Thursday 21 April 2011

How it all began

I shall now start writing as if the events of the past few years are happening to me anew, though obviously I will be remembering, so I have the benefit of being able to include what I want in a post, without having to post only at the end of an adventure, risking all and not being able to warn others. By publishing my story, I hope that I can warn others of the dangers, and provide help for those already being stalked.

It all started one April. Without further ado, allow me to begin…

I spent today at a friend's house, it was pretty misty on the journey back, just like in those Slender Man stories; I half-heartedly looked for Slender Man in the mist but of course I didn't see anything. I was apparently a little irritable (my friend had complained of that, too), but I thought it was just tiredness. I'd surely be better after a night of sleep.

The next day, I felt very nervous, jumping at shadows and the like. I don't know what got in to me. Probably just overwork, even though I didn't feel particularly tired, these things can happen. I decided to lay off the mythos stories for a while, and concentrate more on my studies, to hopefully eliminate the work-induced stress. I spent the rest of the day working on my studies, nothing particularly noteworthy happened until the evening.

Later, my mother noted that I had been doodling a lot whilst reading, which I was surprised to hear as it's not my habit. I picked up the piece of paper upon which I had been drawing but saw nothing, everything was scribbled out to the point of being unrecognisable. I couldn't even tell what shape the drawings were supposed to be. I noticed as I held the paper that my hands were shaking. Stress? Must be. Surely that could also explain the doodling, nervousness, and irritability. Whilst I have a lot of work this week, I decided to take a day off for my health. It's impossible that I can take my A level exams to the best of my ability in this condition.

Tomorrow I'm going to go for a walk, maybe go into the library and have a look to see if they've got some books I requested.

1 comment:

  1. This should be a fun read. I look forward to more. =3
